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There are so many climate change resources available. Here are some of the most helpful.

Climate Change 101

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI)

Investigate research-based historic and projected changes to Wisconsin’s climate with the goal of fostering resiliency.

Check out the latest WICCI posts on Twitter or Linkedin

Wisconsin State Climatology Office

Resources from the Wisconsin State Climatology Office providing research on past and present climate change useful for making climate smart decisions.

Check out the latest monthly State Climate Bulletin

Vital Signs of the Planet

This NASA website provides research and tools to evaluate how climate change globally affects Wisconsin locally. Robust resources for educators and the public based on vetted NASA research.

Midwest Climate Hub

Science-based, region-specific research and technologies from USDA agencies and partners to enable agricultural and natural resource managers make climate-informed decisions.

Communities & Climate Change

Climate Fast Forward

Strategies and resources for Wisconsin resulting from the Governor’s Climate Fast Forward conference. 

Climate and Wisconsin Communities

Guidance on how specific aspects of Wisconsin’s climate will be different in 2050 than they are today, and how communities can prepare themselves for those changes.

sunset over a lake in wisconsin

Wisconsin Heat Vulnerability Index

Use this index to identify populations in your community or county who are most at risk from extreme heat in Wisconsin

Agriculture & Climate Change

Climate Change and Wisconsin Ag

Watch this 3-part Extension webinar covering: climate trends in Wisconsin ag, perceptions of climate change and engaging farmers, and emerging climate policy and educator resources for Wisconsin ag.

Check out the most recent Midwest Ag Climate Outlook from the USDA Midwest Climate Hub.

Wisconsin Ag Energy Efficiency

An Extension resource on energy utilization, energy conservation and renewable energy; including analysis of different technologies, advantages and decision tools, Specific energy efficiency resources for dairy farms, grain drying, irrigation, crop storage, aquaculture, greenhouses, maple syrup production, and lighting.

Carbon Credit Program

A lot of CO2 is stored in soil! What is a carbon credit and should you consider it for your farm or forest?

There are many factors to consider before jumping in!

Dealing With Dairy Heat Stress

Hot weather brings problems for dairy producers. This Extension website offers research-based resources to help dairy producers adapt to warming temperatures. Besides the economic burden, heat stress affects animal welfare.

Wisconsin Ag Climate Outlook

A weekly report to provide ag advisors, conservation staff, and farmers with relevant up-to-date Wisconsin climate information and link it to impacts on Wisconsin agriculture and make well-informed decisions based on the current and forecasted conditions in their area.

Methane Emissions from Livestock & Climate Change

Reductions in methane emissions from livestock could have immediate climate benefits and could be a large component of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Investigate how farmers can help reduce methane emissions.

WISCONET-Local Weather for Agriculture

WISCONET is an environmental monitoring network across Wisconsin. Learn how WISCONET can provide timely and accurate data for Wisconsin resource management, research, and industry decision-making.

Climate Weather Data for Agriculture

Agriculture educator Kevin Schelley and Dr. Steve Vavrus-Wisconsin State Climatologist, discuss how weather data that can help farmers and agronomists. And, what happened to our winter this year!

Check out the Wisconsin Monthly Climate Summaries

Health and Climate

Climate and Health

Strategies, tools, and trainings from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to help communities address health outcomes related to climate change.

52 Ways to Climate Proof Your Finances Toolkit

Explore 52 practical financial strategies you and your family can take to increase financial resilience and reduce
potential financial burdens caused by climate change and extreme weather events.

County Health Rankings and Roadmap

A robust list of resources and annual county level rankings providing of how climate and health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play. Includes resources for evaluating climate justice, equity, and resiliency.

Climate Change, Health and Equity

By linking health equity and climate change, public health leaders can show how transformative changes can protect people and build healthy and equitable
communities in the era of climate change.

Energy & Natural Resources

Wisconsin’s Changing Lake Temperatures

Water temperature is a major controller of many organisms living in a lake. Explore how the temperature of Wisconsin’s Lakes are changing with our changing climate.

Wood County Energy Efficiency

Learn from this case study of how Wood County, WI  is reducing energy costs by residents, businesses, schools and government offices and employing energy efficiencies in their buildings to meet energy needs and reduce carbon emissions. Extension has been a key partner in this initiative.

Energy On Wisconsin

Energy On Wisconsin provides resources and the latest information, tools, financing and funding, trainings, and opportunities to promote Wisconsin’s transitions to energy independence and a clean energy economy. Check out the Energy on Wisconsin Calendar for daily listing of climate conferences, funding, and events.

Youth & Climate

Gen Z’s Unite for Climate Action!

This National 4-H Council survey of 1,500 teens from 13-19 years old explores their concerns about — and commitment to — protecting the environment and gives great ideas for youth climate action!

Indigenous Knowledge and Equity

Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu

The Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu provides a framework to integrate indigenous knowledge, culture, language and history into the climate adaptation planning process.

Climate Vulnerability Assessment

Research from Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission evaluating the vulnerability of 80+ plant and animal beings to climate change based on traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of Ojibwe people and scientific ecological knowledge (SEK).

Decolonizing Climate Change Outreach

Explore how indigenous science and culture can decolonize climate change outreach and adaptation based on how it is affecting twelve ecosystems within Wenaboozhoo Minisaning (the Apostle Islands) and ecosystems within the Lake Superior region.

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